جمعه, 13ام مهر

شما اینجا هستید: رویه نخست یادگارهای فرهنگی و طبیعی یادمان Statement by 40 active NGOs in the field of cultural heritage to protest to the US Senate to ban the Iranian archaeological


Statement by 40 active NGOs in the field of cultural heritage to protest to the US Senate to ban the Iranian archaeological

translator: e khomamizadeh

To protest about seizure of the Iranian Cultural Heritage

Activists of the United States of America! Please help us!

In order to tighten sanctions on Iran, a senate committee has recently voted to make it easier for individuals to seize and auction off priceless ancient Persian antiquities held in American museums. According to NIAC: “ Already, lawyers are in court trying to seize the Persepolis Tablets.” If this proposal becomes law, its only victim will be Iranian national heritage and culture. The aforementioned law will not affect Iran’s regime which itself acts recklessly toward Iran’s national heritage and culture.
According to US politicians’ claims the main purpose of the sanctions against Iran has been the Iranian government not the Iranian people, however approving the aforementioned proposal will directly affect the Iranian people and their cultural and historical heritage, and Undoubtedly there will be no possibility for retrieving the sold antiquities from private buyers and collectors in future.
We, a group of Iranian NGOs vigorously maintain the cultural heritage of Iran; have a background in protecting historical relics and monuments of Iran in past few years. We have been criticizing the irresponsible and demolishing acts of some of the agencies of Iran’s regime who were responsible for archeological and cultural heritage preservation.
The activists of the United States of America! This situation demands your attention. We request your assistance in order to save the historical properties of Iranian people. Please urge your senators to exempt the cultural property held by U.S. museums, libraries, colleges and universities from lawsuits against foreign governments.
Associations, nongovernmental organizations and institutions who signed this statement are as follows:

List of signatories is available in Iranboom site(Persian language)

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